There may or may not be swear words in this post. You've been warned.

(UPDATE: Was able to get my account back. Doesn't make me any less annoyed this happened ((particularly just a few days after the launch of a book)) but yeah, I was able to prove I am who I say I am. Go team.)

Fuckerberg is messing with me.

Let me splain. No, there is too much. Let me sum up:

I still have full time employment with a company that has granted me - as part of my job duties - access to equipment that processes BILLIONS of dollars worth in business.

Each day.

My trustworthiness and squeaky clean record (I used to hold the highest clearance this country grants to its military) is preeeeeetty much as important if not MORE important than my actual skills doing the job - which after twenty years are pretty fckin' magical if I do say so myself.

So they wouldn't take it very well if they found out I was writing harem-lit as a side-hustle.

All that to say I cannot reveal my name in a public forum.

Which Facebook is. Thus I write and post under Cebelius Writes.

Enter the Fuckerberg.

I got locked out of my account because I'm using a nome de plume.  I am looking into whether or not I can regain access without being doxxed. If not, then I'm done with FB and it's as simple as that. Which will SUCK, because that's the main venue through which I interact with most of you.

We shall see how this goes, but I will probably be out for at least another week or two, presuming I can get back in at all.

I will update as and when I can.

Oh and thanks so much for reading my work. It really does me good to see that I can create something that brings genuine happiness. I still get serious imposter syndrome nerves every time I publish. "Is this going to be the one where they all figure out what a fraud I am?"

But it hasn't happened. Aaaand I'm slowly getting over it.

I have lots more projects in the works. My next will be a new series on Celestine with a completely different kind of hero. I hope you'll enjoy that as well.



  1. GL with that FB f'd me over and i refuse to make a new account

  2. Considering some of the names I see on FB, that seems like total shit. At least yours was upfront about writing.

  3. It's a wierd world where hiding your hobbies is considered more thrust worthy than writing slightly rauchy literature. I would recommend that you set up a discord server for connecting to fans though.

  4. I too was locked out of my FB account after switching phones. It doesn't help that there is zero way to contact FB directly through email or phone. It took a couple weeks of constant effort before they finally let me back into my account. Hopefully you will soon have your account access restored.

  5. love your work, when is the next book out? found your first book last Monday. almost finished book 4. the characters are awesome!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Sir I love your work!!! It's imaginative and mostly original, (you are using legendary creatures in the story) ,but you story's involving them are very fresh and quite original.
    I comb through Amazon's ebooks in hopes of seeing anything new you have written.
    Thank you!!! For all your effort to bring a bit of happiness into our lives with your books.

  8. oh I see. An author using a nom de plume is a no go for Facebook, but hundreds and thousands of fake accounts from Poland to Ukraine to influence elections in the west, and the answer from Facebook is *shrug*.

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