
Showing posts from December, 2018

TL:DR Book 2 audio begins recording 1/3, next book in the queue is NOT CC book 4.

So here's where I cop to being pretty shit at keeping up with all the various avenues of social media. Here's the update in a bit more detail: Finished a final pass on Rod of the Heart and forwarded it to Miss Irondale today. Her estimated start date right now is 1/3, so for those of you who are looking forward to the audio of book 2, one step closer. :) Also did more work on book 3. Should be finishing the draft for that in the next week or so, then it's for beta reading and editing. Now, some of the people I speak with regularly know this, but I figure it's time to go ahead and put it out there. My next book after Power of the Lost will NOT be book 4 in the Celestine Chronicles. Don't panic, my plans for that series still run to six books total, and I WILL finish the series absent some kind of brain damage or D&D (Death and Dismemberment). That said, the second half of CC is going to have a bit of a tonal shift, as Terry goes from being th