
Showing posts from September, 2018

Ye verily, an update

Here I sit, broken-hearted, it's two in the morning and I've barely started. Well, that's not true. I'm about 30K into writing book 3. For those of you who've read and - one hopes - enjoyed the first two, I can only say thank you. Thank you so much. Actually, I can say a BIT more than that. Book 3 is coming along as I mentioned, but I don't have a release date for it yet. I need to get cover details to my artist EARLIER this time though, that I know for sure. The artwork for book 2 was done approximately ooh, 3 hours before I hit publish? That's stress I don't need. Some of that had to do with me waffling on what I wanted the cover art to be though, and I admittedly suck at digging around for reference. Thankfully my wife is a very talented artist, and she helped out quite a bit. (No, she didn't do the cover, though she did do the typography. If I want to get a commission from her I have to jump in the queue like everyone else. Just goes to s