
Showing posts from August, 2019

Progress report

To be honest, nothing much has changed in the last month ... which is fantastic because I'm about halfway through the next book and progress has been steady. Things are a bit slower than I'd like regardless because I'm working on two projects simultaneously. Book 5 is one, and the other is the start of a new series. I don't YET have dates for when the next few books will be out, but I HOPE to have them both out by the end of September. Progress is also proceeding on book 4's audio (still being narrated by the incomparable Tess Irondale) so watch out for that in early October. I'd say September, but Audible takes a month to publish anything even after all the work's been done and it's submitted to the store, so I REALLY can't give any dates out on that. One of you guys asked about my Send Me An Angel project, and given the results of the beta read on that, I've shelved it for now. Not only does it need a new cover, but it probably needs to