Audio books and the next project on the horizon

Power of the Lost is out. Very likely if you're reading this you already know that, so I won't belabor the point.

Book 2 is currently in the hands of the audio engineer, after which it will come to me for final review. I am hoping it will be live first week of February. Book 3 (yes, the one that just launched) is currently being recorded.

Miss Irondale is on board for the series, and I know from the reviews I am not the only one thrilled to have her support for his project. It is likely the audio book for Power of the Lost will be live by the end of February.

Send Me an Angel is book 1 of the Divine Koan, and that will be going to beta this week while I wait for a cover. Once I have it, and it's edited and polished, I'll throw it up on Amazon.

Very briefly, it is a non-harem litRPG with a rough rating limit of hard R. So if that's what you're into, rejoice. :P I know the market is saturated with other litRPG titles, but this is the one I was working on when my dad died, and the short answer is I want to give it a fair shot. So I have spoken, so it shall be done.

Thanks again for all your support. As always, I hope I can continue to entertain you with my scribblings.


  1. Nice! Been waiting for this one. Did the guy at taboo do the cover for this one? If he did, nice, I actually found out about this series through his old tumbler lol.

  2. You should make a patron as i for one would like to encourage your GREAT work and support you.

  3. Everything alright? One of your accounts from certain sites have been disabled.

  4. Yo what's happening with book 4

  5. 1. i love your work so far

    2. do you think a discord server is a good idea for talking with fans?

    3.cant wait for book 4

    4 wish you luck

  6. Day 97 captains log no update ,no idea if favorite author is still writing or retired surviving on fumes of the last book he dropped trying out other authors. Looking for the new pen name no luck yet.

  7. Loved the audiobooks and I noticed with my prime subscription I could read the books and wow, that is a huge change at the end between the power of the lost book and audiobook. I'm curious as to why the audiobooks and books differ?


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