TL:DR Book 2 audio begins recording 1/3, next book in the queue is NOT CC book 4.

So here's where I cop to being pretty shit at keeping up with all the various avenues of social media. Here's the update in a bit more detail:

Finished a final pass on Rod of the Heart and forwarded it to Miss Irondale today. Her estimated start date right now is 1/3, so for those of you who are looking forward to the audio of book 2, one step closer. :)

Also did more work on book 3. Should be finishing the draft for that in the next week or so, then it's for beta reading and editing.

Now, some of the people I speak with regularly know this, but I figure it's time to go ahead and put it out there. My next book after Power of the Lost will NOT be book 4 in the Celestine Chronicles. Don't panic, my plans for that series still run to six books total, and I WILL finish the series absent some kind of brain damage or D&D (Death and Dismemberment).

That said, the second half of CC is going to have a bit of a tonal shift, as Terry goes from being the fear-driven outcast desperate to survive and keep his promises to a hero fully committed to the role he's been given on Celestine. While I have plans for those three story arcs, I want to take time to flesh them out all at once, something I did not do for the first three books for many reasons, not least of which I genuinely expected MoT to be a one off vanity project. Did I have plans for sequels even then? Yes I did, but when there was no audience and no money, I didn't take the series as seriously as I do now.

Taking it as seriously as I do has become part of the problem. I want to do it right, so I want to take the time necessary to make sure that happens. I also need a break to do something a bit more light-hearted.

I'm going to alternate future CC books with a new series that I've been cooking up for a while. The series I have in mind will have more humor, and an overall lighter tone. The series will be harem, and will have an overarching story, but each book will be a bit more self-contained. Think A-Team harem. It will be awesome.

I am ALSO looking at revisiting the project I put aside to work on CC. I can't say MUCH about that, because it is likely I will be writing that one under a different pen name and it may not have harem elements. Haven't quite made up my mind, but at this point it will at most involve two romantic interests. Book 1 of that will probably be released at some point in 2019, but news on that won't be posted here, because (at least initially) I don't want people thinking, "Oh, it's that furry harem dude, no thanks." I also don't want folks reading that and saying, "No harem! 1 star!" If you're more interested in that, ping me and I'll be happy to talk more about it on the down low when I make those decisions and resume work. For now all I can say is that the first two books, complete with covers, are already done, but I need to rework them depending on a few key elements.

So we'll see. I LOVE the fact that you guys enjoy my work. I cannot, and I MEAN that, CANNOT express in words the depth of my gratitude to all of you for supporting my efforts to tell a good, sexy tale. I am committed to telling more harem stories, because I am as loyal to you as you have been to me, and because quite frankly I'm a bit of a perv and love the genre. :P

That said, I want to broaden my horizons as well. I want to see if I'm more than a flash in the pan. A few of you have been trying to convince me I've got the chops to go mainstream. If I'm ever going to put those doubts of mine to bed for good, the only way to do that is to put my head on the chopping block.

2019 will be the year I either make it or break it, so to speak. The more y'all tell me you like my stuff, the harder it is to do a day job, because all I can think when I'm at work is, "I could be writing. Like, right now. There could be words. I could be doing magic. But no, I'm sitting here looking at checkpoint logs and listening to a man whose permission to speak on a conference call in English should be revoked, while everyone tries to puzzle out which asshole isn't muting his phone with a screaming baby and barking dogs in the background while the rest of us are trying to work. Fuck that guy."

 I guess you could say this constitutes my State of Cebelius speech. 2018 has been a year of incredible highs, and devastating lows. The highs have all come from entertaining you folks. I want more highs. Maybe I'm an addict.

 If so, well, so be it.


  1. Very much looking forward to MotT book 3 and beyond. Now that you're on my radar, I'll give most any book you put out a shot.

  2. I very much enjoyed your first two books and really looking forward to you branching out.

  3. Cant wait to see number 3 of the books and can't wait to see who joins terrys harem also really hope the slime joins them

  4. I'd read the rest of CC even if you censored out the juicy bits, for what it's worth. If inspiration strikes for an idea that's more mainstream I'd certainly encourage taking the time to write out or at least structure the broad strokes for later. I know I'd be interested in reading it, at least.

    Your day job sounds like ass and I doubt you were really fishing for a comment on that, but IMO the only advice you should take in regards to your career is that of your family and close friends. The ones who are there for you through your ups and downs. My 2c anyway.

  5. I found myself a bit enthralled with the first book and was relieved to find you were continuing the series. I'll be looking forward to the rest of this series and likely anything else you release, keep up the hard work and thanks for writing.

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